Friday 29 August 2014


Okay, I was going through all my old pictures in my hard drive and I saw this old pic of a drawing I made last year.

WIP drawing

Still not fully complete but... Yeah

I remembered that I drew this during a short break in the semester. I was bored being in my room and I just draw. It kinda reminds me how I rarely draw or sketch for fun nowadays and I kinda miss it.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Ambience Test

This model is supposed to be a conceptual space model where we portray the feeling and environment of our space in a model. Who is the target audience? How do we want them to feel?
For me the target audience are disabled kids so the first thing I want them to feel is intrigue. Pique their interest by showing something attractive with a bit of a mystery. And then the kids should feel excitement. But not just fun and games, it should be the type of excitement accompanied with learning. Having fun while progressing and moving forward. So this is how I interpreted those feelings and emotions into an ambience of space.

Enter at your own risk

 Don't mind the messy table in the background

(*Please insert caption here)

Friday 15 August 2014

Conceptual Model

This time our assignment was to create a concept model. So to start of, my concept is 'Engaging The Senses'. So the model should represent interaction to engage the 5 senses. In this case they are the sense of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. But in this conceptual model I haven't gotten around to put in the sense of smell and taste part. So that is a minus point for me.

This is the mockup model

The basic idea was to show interaction that would use all our 5 senses. So for the sense of sight I decided to use shapes and colours. For touch I used different kinds of materials with different textures to engage the sense of touch. And sound is created by plucking the strings to create vibrations, hence the sound. For the senses of smell and taste I planned to use pepper powder and create something like a sand art thing but I didn't had the chance to do it. I will add it later on before my final.

This is the final model

Its a very simple conceptual model but very fun to explore. The model is supposed to represent the disabled kids and how would life be for them. Enclosed and shunned by some people. But with enough help and care they can blossom like every other people in the world.