Wednesday, 30 October 2013


So this one is something different. Never knew back then that 'interior elevation' existed. Haha. Some IA student I am, right. Interior elevation may look similar to a section drawing but the difference is that interior elevation start at the finished floor elevation and stop at the ceiling whereas sections cut through floors and walls.

Interior Elevation

A simple drawing but my major problem is that the OPENING SYMBOLS are all jumbled up. So that takes away most of the marks. Really.
As or the LINE THICKNESS, I think I showed it quite well in this one considering the difference in floors and ceiling lines can be seen.
GLASS PANELS. Logically glass panels have a specific dimension so yeah. And the SYMBOL needs to be added in as well. Glass symbol is the 2 lines at 45 degree angle.
It may not be clear in this picture but my drawing was a tad bit dirty. Most of the times it was because of my tools and equipment(T-square and set squares mostly) being not properly cleaned.
So a gentle reminder, always clean your drawing tools and equipment before starting a technical drawing. Cleanliness of the drawing is important.

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