Monday 12 May 2014

What Day Is It Again?

Mother's Day? Dang, totally forgot about it. I hope I'm not too late. So this is for all the mothers and mother figures out there.
Just so that all mothers understand that no matter what, in the end we still love you.

All the things that makes mothers AWESOME.

Happy Mothers Day!!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Printing Blue

Conceptual painting time! When I heard that the assignment was gonna be a painting, I was sacred as... whatever it is I'm scared of. Because I myself am not really good at painting. History has shown it time and time again. But this one was slightly different. I seriously had fun doing it. Conceptual painting. And it's in 3D! Nope, you don't need 3d glasses for this one.

Based on concept of blueprints

So, blueprints! The car in the middle I bought it at Daiso shop nearby and I dismantled it to paste it on the board. Actually I bought a few toys and dismantled it just so to give it more stuff to show. If you notice there is a firetruck's rescue ladder, a kangaroo bar, a police car siren and a spare tire. Note that the tires have two different sizes as they are from different toy cars.

Yeah so the blueprints design I got it from images from Wallace and Gromit and also Phineas and Ferb.
Some of the case study I used for this piece are :

I think this one is from Phineas and Ferb

This one is definitely Phineas and Ferb

Wallace and Gromit inventions

I was gonna go for something more cartoony like and not logic. Fun is another word. So all the words I wrote was totally nonsense. I think there's even a hakuna matata in there somewhere.
The background was painted with acrylic and the lettering all were done using correction liquid/liquid paper.
After I was done with it I thought that maybe it would be better if I had used a white colour pencil instead. Or just paint it with a brush. Who knows.

Photo Montage

After our site trip to Singapore we had to do a photo montage using the picture we took. The whole montage should look like a poster promoting Singapore or describing what was the trip like for us.
So this is the montage I came up with.


It was fun doing this assignment as I get to explore more of the tools on Photoshop. Practicing how to compose and crop properly as well for that matter. 
And don't mind the title.But kudos to whomever gets the gist of it. Can't think of any title to give to this piece and when I saw the staircase at the back of the poster and I'm suddenly reminded of it. 
Nevertheless, it is an awesome song.

Book Rack Furniture

Furniture model for Minor class.
Task : Design and build a book rack to fit 100 books using recycled materials. Money spent on this furniture must not be more than RM100. Must be portable.

This is a group assignment and the design we came up with is something like this.

Final result

All the small pieces of the book rack are openable depending on how many you want to use.

The presentation board thanks to Jie ling.

Honestly it didn't turn out quite as I hoped it would be. But the whole time spent doing this furniture really opened up my eyes to a lot of things. Time and money which needs to be managed well to produce a working project.

So I guess the furniture had some extra uses as well... Stressed for portfolio submissions. Haha

Friday 9 May 2014

Board Counter

Finally after some scavenging through my hard drive I found my reception counter board. This one is actually a continuation of the reception counter assignment.

Must get it approved before we can print.

Okay, so maybe it's not the hard copy but still this is the final one before I went and print it. All the elements are the same but the quality of the image is different of course. 

The perspectives and elevations are done in 3ds max. We had to add in mind mapping, case studies, ideation, anthropometrics as well as section details of the counter as well.

That's A Relief

After coming home from our site visit to Singapore we had to do a relief model based on our design project's site. Relief model is when you choose a facade and extrude it to become 3 dimensional. 

The final relief model photo.

Couldn't find the facade view I chose to make this from but basically they both look somewhat similar. 
Made using white modelling board, transparent sheet and also white wire mesh.
But in the relief model the entrance and floor were done wrongly. It looks very distorted the slanted floor.

Another Sleepless Night...zzz

Model making in the process. Well, not really. It was last month I think.
Location : bridge studio.
Time : Approx. 2200 hours (not really sure)

"Screw it all, I'm gonna take a nap"

Okaayy, maybe not exactly sleepless night. But even when I was sleeping I can't stop thinking about the assignment. In the end I woke up like 10 minutes later.

Thank god I have a good friend who's willing to help me.

That's my friend who is studying I.T. in South Wing. He agreed to help me cut some of the pieces was just because he was too bored. Soo nice.

Finally, it's the dawn of a new day...

And I'm not even done with my model. *Ouch.

Basically, the whole night I did the ground floor minus the details.

And I managed to cut the first floor. And also the walls but it's still stuck with masking tape.

Conclusion : I didn't finish my model. I do work very slooowwww...

And that's the END...
for me...

Thursday 8 May 2014

Its The Final Countdown!

Final design project for semester 3. Public space of an animation studio. I was given the Aardman studio and so I had to create a space based on the studio for the public. It was intended to be some sort of like a fun play and learning centre so I had to give a lot of thought on the activities in the space.

The night before presentation. 

 The first board showing info on Aardman animation studio and a brief history. While at the bottom is where I showed the ideation sketches.

 This one shows the mind mapping with the floor plans. Models and one interior perspective done in 3ds max.

 Final board. Section drawings and for other interior perspectives.

The style of the whole presentation is based on blueprints as most of the spaces are somewhat connected to one of Aardman's famous animation : Wallace and Gromit.
Since Wallace and Gromit are both inventors I decided to go for something that relates to them, hence the blueprint idea.

The activities I included in the space are :
First floor
1 Information gallery
2 Sketching/Drawing area
3 Model making workshop
4 Video/Stop-motion shooting
*There are games area in between each spaces as well

Second floor
1 Cafe
2 Playground for kids
3 Merchandising

Basically the first floor activities are more towards exposing the public on how stop-motion animation is made as the Aardman studio is famous for that. And only recently they have started to join in the computer 3d graphics race in movie making.

How May I help You?

Minor final project : Reception counter of our design. Basically my design is all based on Aardman, so I thought of using the sleigh from Arthur Christmas as the inspiration for the counter design.

The sleigh from the movie Arthur Christmas

Top and side view plus detail

So from here I start my design and after several tutorials finally I managed to finalize the design with the help from lecturer. With the design we had to create a model, a 3ds max model and also an A1 size presentation board of the counter. An voila!

Here's the result.

 The model made from white modelling board.

Took me one whole night to finish this one.

The 3ds max model. It turned out better than I expected.

The backside of the counter.

Okay, so I couldn't find my presentation board for this assignment...... yet. But I will and when I do I will upload it next time. So until then, ciao.