Friday 9 May 2014

Another Sleepless Night...zzz

Model making in the process. Well, not really. It was last month I think.
Location : bridge studio.
Time : Approx. 2200 hours (not really sure)

"Screw it all, I'm gonna take a nap"

Okaayy, maybe not exactly sleepless night. But even when I was sleeping I can't stop thinking about the assignment. In the end I woke up like 10 minutes later.

Thank god I have a good friend who's willing to help me.

That's my friend who is studying I.T. in South Wing. He agreed to help me cut some of the pieces was just because he was too bored. Soo nice.

Finally, it's the dawn of a new day...

And I'm not even done with my model. *Ouch.

Basically, the whole night I did the ground floor minus the details.

And I managed to cut the first floor. And also the walls but it's still stuck with masking tape.

Conclusion : I didn't finish my model. I do work very slooowwww...

And that's the END...
for me...

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