Thursday 8 May 2014

How May I help You?

Minor final project : Reception counter of our design. Basically my design is all based on Aardman, so I thought of using the sleigh from Arthur Christmas as the inspiration for the counter design.

The sleigh from the movie Arthur Christmas

Top and side view plus detail

So from here I start my design and after several tutorials finally I managed to finalize the design with the help from lecturer. With the design we had to create a model, a 3ds max model and also an A1 size presentation board of the counter. An voila!

Here's the result.

 The model made from white modelling board.

Took me one whole night to finish this one.

The 3ds max model. It turned out better than I expected.

The backside of the counter.

Okay, so I couldn't find my presentation board for this assignment...... yet. But I will and when I do I will upload it next time. So until then, ciao.