Sunday 10 November 2013

Had A Great Test Run

Yesterday the MIID 7Belas event was officially kickstarted and boy it was AWESOME! The event was on from morning till the middle of the night and the competition ranges from amazing race, installation, lighting, furniture design, fashion, bunting and even performance. I joined the amazing race tournament with an awesome line-up of group members and my class and I did the design for the bunting competition. But sadly, we didn't win those two categories but we did manage to win other prizes.

My classmates and I gettinf pumped up before the start of our competition

Just fooling around. Passing the time

LUCT's installation design

Saito College installation

My college's(UCSI) installation design(Won 1st prize)

Lighting design

Sketching competition

Almost at the end of the day

Performance by the lovely ladies of LUCT

Fashion design(*high-pitched whistle)

Our crazy fun seniors

Installation by whom, I do not know

We won 1st prize!, Waddup!

Finally, it all ends here

The event finally comes to a close at 11.30 pm. All of us had a lot of fun and meet a lot of new people from other college and universities. A big thank you to LUCT for being the host and organizing this years MIID. Next year it will be held at ONE Academy so be prepared everyone, UCSI will come back stronger and better than we were last time.

Owh, before I forgot here's a list of competition that my college had won during the event.
Commercial Design 1st and 2nd
Residential Design 1st and 2nd
Hospitality Design 1st
Sketches 2nd
Photography 1st
Performance 1st
Installation 1st

Great job guys!!!

Thursday 7 November 2013

It's The Final Countdown

Here comes the Design final project perspective. Choose two view/perspective from our Design final project and render it using marker. For this assignment, my friend and I went to 'mamak' to render the perspective because we had to borrow some marker and got hungry as well. So why not.

View From Entrance (Design Final Project)

Fully Rendered View

I think the RENDERING turned out quite nice considering it's a marker render. DETAILING on the furniture should be added to the drawing.
Human figure is out of PROPORTION in the perspective.

Mezzanine Floor (Final Design Project)

Fully Rendered View

RENDERING on the wall shows inconsistency as the marker I was using started running out of ink. The colours of some elements from the two views slightly differ(My bad).
The human figure needs to be improve because in this case it looks a bit weird to me.
The small yellow thing-ies were supposed to be small boxes with the top open in case anyone's wondering. They didn't turn out well...

Just Looking Around

Storyboard composition. Storyboard is one way to clearly show the different spaces within a building. It's almost like a guided tour of each space. Choose the best possible view and perspective of each space and compose them in a way of a story line.

First Draft, Two-point Interior Perspectives in Pencil showing the Construction Lines

Traced with Human Figures, Arrows and Description of each space

Finally, Marker Rendered version

Mi Casa Es Su Casa

One-point interior perspective with entourage and colour pencil rendering.

One-point Interior Perspective

The RENDERING is very minimal not to mention the COLOUR choices as well. To me the tone of the whole drawing turns out a bit too light/bright. Still need to be improve a lot on the rendering techniques. Lightings should be rendered as well. 
Design of the interior should be more DETAILED. Maybe add some furniture and design the staircase.

Nice Weather To Be Staying Inside

Continuing the colour pencil rendering we had to sketch entourage with render. 5 trees and 5 human figures.

I thought that it would be better if the tree RENDERING using the scribbling technique instead the hatching technique.
The clouds were a little under-rendered. Should add more rendering  to give it more volume.
DETAILING on the ground is very minimal and kinda boring.
Positioning of the human figure at the most front was positioned slightly wrong as it was supposed to look as if it/he would rest on the tree. The tree proportion is also a bit wrong. The trees seemed a little small compared to the human figures.

Tables And Chairs Are Bullies

Who wants to do some colouring? Haha. Technically it's colour pencil RENDERING. First one is to sketch 9 chairs and render it using colour pencil. And the other one is to sketch 9 tables and cabinets with render. The first thing to do before rendering is to determine where's the light source. And always remember that SHADOW on the ground must be DARKEST(didn't know this one before).

Assorted Chairs

Assorted Tables and Cabinets

Very colourful. Sketches are okay in my sense but should have more perspective and views instead of always using the same one over and over.
RENDER needs to be practiced a lot more. STROKES of the colour pencil are irregular and SHADOW on the ground should be DARKEST.
LETTERINGS needs to be practiced and use construction lines. TABLE title got a comment asking 'Flintstone?' underneath it. Somehow, it does remind me of flintstones. Haha.

Ctrl + Z

Finally, computers! Photoshop composition. I thought this one would be a bit hard because I'm not really familiar with photoshop and the commands. But it was okay.

So the photos are not really HD, lightings on the model was not really good. But disappointingly these were the best of the best photos I got.
The BACKGROUND of the right side of the composition is a bit dark. The photos also was not properly composed as to match the background line.
But I think this is a better composition than the previous assignment. Got a lot of advice and help from Mr Kamal for this assignment. A huge thanks to him.

Staying Composed

Composition of previous house drawings with marker rendering. In this assignment, I didn't have any marker so I had to 'borrow' my friends marker so the choice of colour is a bit limited. But thanks anyways for letting me use the markers(I know they're expensive).


Honestly, I'm not that good at COMPOSITION. Very minimal. Seriously have no idea how to compose.
COLOUR SCHEME is a bit off. Not really from same colour wheel I guess. And it kinda look a bit dull to me. Really.
LETTERINGS are not in proportion. The title is a bit too small and the labelling of each drawing on the other hand is too big.
But with more reading, research and practice I guess I can improve on my composition and rendering. Still not too late to try.

Two Of A Kind

Another method for drawing two-point perspective is the photography method. It should be where we take a picture of an interior two-point perspective and either draw or trace it. But since it's time consuming we just go a head and search the photos online. Google image.

The photo

The trace(Similar, no?)

NEATNESS improved. Trace version is not so DETAILED as the original photo was a bit dark so I couldn't really see all the small details.
Choice of pen needed to be reconsider as the PEN QUALITY is not clearly shown in the drawing.
And by the way, this drawing is freehand. So excuse my very IRREGULAR 'straight' line.

From One Point To Another

This semester we learned two-point interior perspective. There are several ways to draw it and the basic one is the grid line method which if you ask me is confusing. Seriously. I had to redo it many times just to get the grids right. Even using different colours to differentiate each point and line. But yeah, I can still manage.

Two-point Perspective(Grid Line Method)

Finally, the correct grid line for interior two-point perspective. After drawing the grid line we inserted the furniture and had to trace back the whole drawing without drawing the grid lines again(thank god that one is over). And the result is... *Drumroll

Interior two-point perspective

This area is supposed to be a studio from the previous plan so I add in the suitable furniture. The bed is what I always wanted if I have my own studio so I can have a good night sleep whenever I can. Haha.
Well, not much DETAILS in this one but it turns out pretty neat.
I think the LINE THICKNESS is okay. Well, at least I can see the difference in the lines. But I'm not really sure.


Exploded drawing to show the interior without omitting a wall or two. Had trouble with the division of the cut spaces and the composition of each space.

Exploded Drawing

Problem? Hmm...
NEATNESS as per usual. Can't really see it here but the paper is not really clean/neat. 
The staircase line was supposed to be DOTTED LINE but it doesn't really look like it. Maybe I should cut it properly with a blade next time.
The DOTTED LINE for the mezzanine floor was supposed to reach to where it is actually located in the plan but I stopped just before it reached the wall so that's another mistake.
And probably to improve the drawing I should have added more DETAILS such as flooring, windows and doors. Maybe it would give the drawing more 'kick' or the explosive factor. But that's just my opinion.

Wednesday 30 October 2013


So this one is something different. Never knew back then that 'interior elevation' existed. Haha. Some IA student I am, right. Interior elevation may look similar to a section drawing but the difference is that interior elevation start at the finished floor elevation and stop at the ceiling whereas sections cut through floors and walls.

Interior Elevation

A simple drawing but my major problem is that the OPENING SYMBOLS are all jumbled up. So that takes away most of the marks. Really.
As or the LINE THICKNESS, I think I showed it quite well in this one considering the difference in floors and ceiling lines can be seen.
GLASS PANELS. Logically glass panels have a specific dimension so yeah. And the SYMBOL needs to be added in as well. Glass symbol is the 2 lines at 45 degree angle.
It may not be clear in this picture but my drawing was a tad bit dirty. Most of the times it was because of my tools and equipment(T-square and set squares mostly) being not properly cleaned.
So a gentle reminder, always clean your drawing tools and equipment before starting a technical drawing. Cleanliness of the drawing is important.

Tuesday 29 October 2013


Okay, so this time it's the section drawing. Basically, section drawing is where you cut part of the plan and show the inside of the building. In this case it's a house. While doing a section drawing we even cut the furniture and wall, so we have to show the section symbol of the respective materials.

Section drawing A-A and B-B

This one was a little bit tough and there was a lot of TECHNICAL MISTAKE in my part. Symbols were poorly drawn especially concerning the LINES for the opening of windows and door. And I didn't remember the symbol for WOOD studs in the ceiling. Crap.
Wrong degree of angle in the staircase RAILING of section B-B.
LINE QUALITY hasn't improve at all and FORMAT of the title. Totally forgot about the circle thingy again.
As for the LETTERING, I think it is a little better than previous assignments. But yeah, it's still just a minor improvement.
Still need to work harder. Be more patient and careful when doing my drawings.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Missed It By That Much

As an interior archi student, one must not forget the Reflected Ceiling Plan(RCP). Similar to a normal house plan but the RCP shows the ceiling and all the electrical fittings available such as lightings. This was done based on the same house plan from the previous one. The requirements for this assignment was on an A3 size tracing paper using artline pens.

Reflected Ceiling Plan, RCP

In my opinion, the LINE QUALITY improved a bit from the previous assignments except for the LINE WEIGHT of the section cut lines. But that's just my opinion.
The fittings symbols show some IRREGULARITIES and INCONSISTENCY especially in the length of lines that makes up the lightings. Not to mention the concrete wall symbol is MISSING again.
From what I see, the LETTERINGS was quite ok in the first note but it gradually become uneven and irregular as it goes on to the second and so on.

So overall, what do you guys think about it?

Monday 21 October 2013

Screw It, I'm Going Home

Semester break over, BAM! Orthographic drawings. Whaa. *Blink blink.
Wasn't really sure whether I remembered all the details when we did it the last time. But here goes nothing.

Ground Floor Plan

I see lots of RED. Aargh. This was a bad attempt, really. But what I noticed the major no-no here was my QUALITY OF LINES. Some lines are thick when it's supposed to be thin and vice versa. Even the floor finishes shows inconsistency in the gap between each lines.
TECHNICAL MISTAKE. Grid lines was not properly drawn, section cut went missing(Oh.My.God), and I didn't input the proper symbols for the walls, windows and even staircase direction. 
The LETTERINGS. Very inconsistent. Need a lot of practice.
TITLE. I didn't follow the format given. I'm sure to take note of that as well.

Mezzanine Floor Plan

Mezzanine floor. Thank god for the less elements that needs to be drawn in this one. 
Finally remembered the section cut. BUT I still forgot about the proper symbols for the materials and staircase direction again(Carelessness and forgetfulness are two very bad habits of mine). 
QUALITY OF LINES again. From what I see is that the thickness or darkness of the lines are very inconsistent. Even in the same element. Like the wall, I noticed that some of it are darker than the other. Proper control of the pencil needs to be practiced in order to avoid this mistake again.
The LETTERINGS for one, I didn't see much improvement from the previous assignment. And a STUPID MISTAKE which cannot be unseen where I wrote the same title as the previous assignment when it should be different.

It seems that I still have a long way to go.